Patients often use preparations manufactured in other parts of the world and at times it is difficult to translate these foreign brand names and chemicals into our grading system. In addition, several super potent steroid shampoos are available that promise to help end scaliness of the scalp. These shampoos are only in contact with the scalp for a minute or two so I am uncertain if there is any residual left that would have long lasting treatment benefits. I do not prescribe these.

A cosmetic company has even incorporated corticosteroids into their creams without labeling them and a diaper cream manufacturer has used steroids without prescriptions. This will be discussed in a later blog.

Below is a list of the most commonly used topical steroids manufactured in the United States.

The desire to take medicine is perhaps the greatest feature that distinguishes man from animals.
William Osler

CLASS 7 – Least Potent

  1. Cortaid Cream/Spray/Ointment
  2. Hytone Cream/Lotion

CLASS 6 – Mild

  1. Aclovate Cream/Ointment
  2. Derma-Smoothe

CLASS 5 – Lower Mid-Strength

  1. Cordran Cream/Lotion/Tape
  2. DesOwen Lotion
  3. Locoid Cream/Lotion/Ointment/Solution

CLASS 4 –Mid-Strength

  1. Cordran Ointment
  2. Kenalog Cream/Spray
  3. Westcort Ointment

CLASS 3 – Upper Mid-Strength

  1. Cutivate Ointment
  2. Lidex-E Cream
  3. Luxiq

CLASS 2 – Potent

  1. Diprolene Cream AF
  2. Elecon Ointment
  3. Lidex Cream/Gel/Ointment
  4. Topicort Cream/Ointment/Gel

CLASS 1 – Super Potent

  1. Diprolene Ointment
  2. Olux Foam
  3. Temovate Cream/Ointment/Solution
  4. Ultravate Cream/Ointment
  5. Psorcon Ointment